Saturday, August 8, 2009

♥♥KNOW ME!!!♥♥

.....A stage of being teenager is more on excitement...more on happenings!
From my past, a lot of things has been changed and improved.
even there's a lot of challenges came to my life i never get tired to faced it...
'coz i know that there is God who will never leave me!
It does'nt matter if i fall down 'coz i know God wont let me to touch the ground...
Life is not so easy..i may not sometimes be emotional but more often!
I'm a fighter! i am a person with a strong determination but simple personality...!
I dont afraid of the consequences that would be happen..
But i faced the challenges for they happen with a purpose!
Nothing would change being a fighter!
I'd still be me!
God knows best!!!